Vocabulary information for

Inna Sun is up / Le soleil est levé

Learn 53 vocabulary words with « Sun is up »!

« Sun is up » has 335 words which have been grouped into 206 bilingual expressions of which 43 are repeated at least once. While enjoying a video and through repetition, you learn the desired vocabulary.

List of vocabulary

Sun is up (English-German) Le soleil est levé


Sun is up

Le soleil est levé Inna

🔗 Jaimie

Literal - Jun 06, 2021 en - de

In the same collection

English for German speaker

Memovideos of English subtitled in German ( 1 hours 1 min. and 11 sec. on 8 Memovideos )

Elephants galore (English-German)
Sherrell Pitt-Kennedy Elephants galore
The  Shepherdess  and the  Chimney  Sweep (English-German)
H.C. Andersen The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep
Sky and sand (English-German)
Paul Kalkbrenner Sky and sand
Hello (English-German)
Adèle Hello
Rolling in the deep (English-German)
Adèle Rolling in the deep

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