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🔗 Alban Kakulya   Elephants galore  (en - fr)  49582 views  Title's translation Des myriades d'éléphants  Text's author Sherrell Pitt-Kennedy  Plus  Duration 00:17:41 Views on each page 1 10298 2 4033 3 4038 4 3899 5 3766 6 3839 7 3913 8 3926 9 3744  

Learn 614 vocabulary words with « Elephants galore »!

« Elephants galore » has 1889 words which have been grouped into 1331 bilingual expressions of which 887 are repeated at least once. While enjoying a video and through repetition, you learn the desired vocabulary.


Sherrell Pitt-Kennedy - Elephants galore (en - fr)  00:17:41   

Literary translation presented in   literary   ¤ 


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Sherrell Pitt-Kennedy - Elephants galore - Des myriades d'éléphants

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In the same collection

The Little Mermaid(English-French)
Elephants galore(English-French)
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde(English-French)
The Black Cat(English-French)
Rolling in the deep(English-French)
Little Saint Nick(English-French)
Sun is up(English-French)
British anthem(English-French)
One Way Ticket to Mars(English-French)


